Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Places over the world

Tatarala is a place in the mountains of Venaco, Corsica, France.
One day, when I was a teenager, a Shepherd (Fortunee) told me it was called that way because there was a deep pit nearby. When one would throw a stone in there, it made this funny noise: "ta ta ra... la".
I never found the pit, but I loved the story.
I spend so much time traveling that I told myself: I should share that with my friends. I'd love so much to give a little of what I experience on my running, scientific or tourist trips. The places I visit, the people I meet, the cultures I discover, the races I run, all of those give me so much happiness that I can't keep it to myself.
This picture was taken from a park near New-London, NH. New Hampshire is the region where I leave currently. It is a gorgeous place, full of wilderness and gorgeous rivers and lakes but I also take profit of living in the USA to travel all around and visit as much as my demanding job allows.

I'm also a runner, and use this as an excuse to get more into mother nature and visit more places. Some races are in famous cities (Boston, New york, Quebec...) but also in fantastic landscapes (like the Big Sur marathon near Monterey). Running is awesome, It's giving me a lot of nice sensations, many of them are close to meditation. I can get into places a few people go and I get, 4 times a week a bowl of fresh air, whatever the weather throws at me.
This picture was taken on the afternoon of my very first marathon, The Big Sur International Marathon, in Monterey, California. The most spiritual, spectacular and intense experience of my life after my wedding.
So welcome to a piece of my world, enjoy. Peace.


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